Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cult Nails Iconic with China Glaze Cracked Concrete

Happy easter lovelies hope you are all having a lovely chocolate filled day! 

I loved Cult Nails Iconic I had to wear it again, but I decided to go for a little twist. I had also ordered some of the China Glaze Crackle polishes (except for the black, since I already had the Barry M black, and White because it reminded me a bit of tippex!). So I put the grey China Glaze, called Cracked Concrete over Iconic.  I think this is a fab combo, so on to the pictures and you can see what you think! 

Like always, you can click the pictures to see them bigger. The lovely glow in Iconic peeps out through the crackle and it is really lovely. The wear of this combo was really good, I think that I wore it for nearly a week with only the minimum of tipwear. 

When I went to order the China Glaze crackles, they were sold out on Transdesign where I normally order my polishes from, so I ordered them from Head 2 Toe Beauty instead. The arrived very quickly and I had no issues with the order. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ramblings and Some Nail News

If you are not inclined to Ramblings of any sort I suggest you skip to the 3rd paragraph for nail news.

Firstly, I didn't think I'd have to write this again but apologies for the complete lack of posts. Every time, I think I have my life calmed down, I either have work or real life explode in my face. To be honest, I have 11 months of study left (or pay any way) so the next year or so is likely to be extremely stressful, and while I'll do my very best   to keep on top of blog things.

Those of you who follow me on twitter probably know I was away last week, for work. The idea was I'd work Mon- Thurs lunchtime and take the rest of the week off until I flew back Saturday night, so I could do some shopping and catch up with friends. On Thursday, I spent the rest of the day with my  friend and her daughter, before going to meet my other friend for dinner and so I could stay with her. Despite my best plans, I ended up working most of Friday and only got to hit the shops for about 2 hours, and London was hotter than Hades.

While wandering around the shops, I popped into Boots Carnaby St, I was surprised to see that they had the Orly minis in already, at £5 each I decided it was almost as cheap to get full sizes online, plus there was nothing that caught my eye. Right below them though, were a new professional line from Models Own, much as I would love to show you a bottle shot here, I can't! The bottles are square, to differentiate from the usual range and the retail at £8.  I had a good rummage around and decided that while a lot of the colours were quite safe, I found one called midnight something ( a quick look on the horrendous boots website tells me the only thing it can be is madnight blue), a starry starry night -esque navy polish with silver glitter.

Up I wander to the counter, and the guy says "you can't buy that, it's been recalled", so since I really wanted the polish I tried to push it a bit, but there was no go, his supervisor told me to go pick another colour, whereby I pouted and said "I didn't want another colour, I wanted that colour". Realising it was futile, I wandered off.  

The next day, I was in boots liverpool st and what do I spy with my little eye but another models own pro stand, and nestled in there is the polish I want. So we start, the same drama all over again, and again 24 hours later they can't sell me the polish because it's been recalled. This guy is a bit better and suggests he'll find me a similar colour from another range. and is very worried something might happen to my nails if he sells to me, because the recall may be safety related. The whole bloody thing takes so long, I miss my train, which nearly makes me miss my plane.

I did manage to pick up some polishes in superdrug but I'll save that for my next post as I've rambled on so much today!  

Have any of you manged to buy any of the Models Own Pro polishes?I can't find much info on them on the internet, so I'm assuming that they are very new, have you seen them? Is it just me they won't sell them too?