Ok, so I know I've been more than a little MIA lately, and for that I’d like to apologise, every time I think I have the back of my work broken I seem to get more to add to the pile. I keep saying to everyone, family friends, people who want me to do work for them, “Another couple of weeks and I’ll have a life, I just need to get X, Y &Z out the way and then it will quiet down”. The reality is that hasn't happen but is going to have to, because I can’t keep working this much or I’ll collapse. I’m not leaving work till 9 pm most days and then trying to do more work at home and I can’t remember the last time I had a day off.
So apology out of the way it’s confession time, and the two are related (and this is where I should have but in an uber cute picture to distract you but I didn't!). I have painted my nails once in the last month (so that explains the lack of posts then!! ) I’m just so shattered by the time I get a chance to paint them that I can’t bring myself to do it! Although I have still been buying polish, so once I get back to being able to muster some energy to paint my nails, I have loads to show you. In the meantime, I’m having a stern word with myself and teaching myself how to say no!
In the meantime if there is anything you'd like to see drop me a comment and I'll add it to the list!
In the meantime if there is anything you'd like to see drop me a comment and I'll add it to the list!