Saturday, May 14, 2011

The one in which I apologise and make a confession …..

Ok, so I know I've been more than a little MIA lately, and for that I’d like to apologise, every time I think I have the back of my work broken I seem to get more to add to the pile. I keep saying to everyone, family friends, people who want me to do work for them, “Another couple of weeks and I’ll have a life, I just need to get X, Y &Z out the way and then it will quiet down”. The reality is that hasn't happen but is going to have to, because I can’t keep working this much or I’ll collapse. I’m not leaving work till 9 pm most days and then trying to do more work at home and I can’t remember the last time I had a day off.  

So apology out of the way it’s confession time, and the two are related (and this is where I should have but in an uber cute picture to distract you but I didn't!).  I have painted my nails once in the last month (so that explains the lack of posts then!! ) I’m just so shattered by the time I get a chance to paint them that I can’t bring myself to do it!  Although I have still been buying polish, so once I get back to being able to muster some energy to paint my nails, I have loads to show you.  In the meantime, I’m having a stern word with myself and teaching myself how to say no! 

In the meantime if there is anything you'd like to see drop me a comment and I'll add it to the list! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Color Club Revvvolution

Today's post is Color Club Revvvolution, a charcoal grey holographic polish. This one is totally, totally, love! The holo is amazing and the for the very odd lightening situation that the holo doesn't show up the base colour is still nice. I've included a good few photos to show the varying degrees of holo goodness, you see when wearing this. (I have no idea what is on the side of my pointer finger, either remnants of the last polish I was wearing or pen, that I didn't wash totally off  - I manage to come home from work with pen or whiteboard marker over my hands most day - and the lovely macro setting that makes polish look nice also picks up things that aren't visible to the naked eye, so apologies!) 

The pictures show two coats and the application was perfect. The wear on this was good too, I think I got about 5 days out of it. I have nothing bad to say about this one, but a little bit of a caveat. I bought this on Transdesign before Christmas, but I have also heard of a not so holo version going around, I'm pretty sure this is the good version. So buy online with caution. I believe Color Club were aware of the dud version and were looking into the problem.

Have you tried Revvvolution? Any other suggestions like it?

What do 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Essence Black Out

A couple of weeks ago, I realised I that in my collection of around 170 polishes, I didn't own a black polish, a shocking omission really (like, how was I ever going to let my inner rock chic out?!). I was in boots and bought what the nice lady assured me was a black no 7 polish (it was sitting on the counter beside the till and I had a voucher for no 7)  but, alas,  when I got it home realised it was just a really dark purple polish but more on that another time. So the search continued, I wandered in to a local pharmacy and found an Essence limited collection called Black and White, and perhaps unsurprisingly there was a black polish in the collection, so I promptly purchased. Black Out is a black polish with what essence call a "soft touch finish", the finish looks kind of  like plastic as seen in the photos below,

The application is ok, you have to be a bit careful to make it even, as it doesn't have great self-levelling properties and the polish is a bit thick. The soft-effect finish means it isn't as harsh as just black polish. The more you wear the polish, the shinier it becomes from hand washing and hand cream applying. While the finish changes over time, the polish does have good wear, I've no worn it twice and got 4 days before it chipped and in fact the polish chipped before I got tipwear.

I think that this a good dupe for Illamasqua Scorn, which matches their nail quills. (more info from Scrangie here), but I haven't seen Scorn in real life, so I'm just going by photos.

What do you think of this finish, it's not quite matt and not quite cream?